Kasich expands agenda for trip to Michigan

Chad Livengood
Detroit News Lansing Bureau

Lansing — Republican presidential candidate and Ohio Gov. John Kasich is planning his fourth trip to Michigan next week, with two public events planned in Southfield and the Lansing area.

On Tuesday, the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce is hosting Kasich for a luncheon at the Eagle Eye Golf Club in Bath.

The two-term Ohio governor and former congressman is expected to answer questions about his policy positions on government and business during the Lansing chamber event.

Kasich will answer questions about his foreign policy views at a previously announced public forum Monday afternoon in Southfield sponsored by Americans for Peace, Prosperity and Security, a group headed by recently retired U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Howell.

The national security forum is part of a series of one-on-one interviews APPS is hosting across the country with Republican presidential candidates. Rogers, a former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has been trying to make national security and foreign policy a major topic in the Republican presidential primary race.

The forum will be held at 1 p.m. Monday at University Technology and Learning Center at Lawrence Technological University in Southfield. The one-hour forum is free and tickets can be reserved on an Eventbrite website.

Next week’s trip marks Kasich’s fourth trip to Michigan this year and his second since jumping into the crowded GOP presidential primary field in July.

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