Editorial: Endorsements for Wayne County offices

The Detroit News Editorial Board

For a guide to The Detroit News endorsements in all races so far, click here.

For countywide races in Wayne County, the election is typically over after the August primary. The predominance of Democratic voters in the county lessens the chances of a Republican prevailing.

But this year there are opposition candidates on the ballot in all races except for sheriff, where incumbent Benny Napoleon is unopposed. 

Prosecutor: Kym Worthy is challenged by Libertarian Daniel Ziemba. Worthy has addressed complaints about the high number of wrongful convictions from her office, and shown a greater willingness to review claims of innocence. She should be returned. 

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy

Treasurer: Incumbent Democrat Eric Sabree has not shown the character the position mandates. Sabree was accused of giving relatives preferential treatment in tax foreclosure proceedings. County residents would be better served by young newcomer Anthony Wozniak of Livonia, who holds an economics degree from Eastern Michigan University. 

Clerk: Cathy Garrett has had some struggles over the year in running elections, the key job of the county clerk. Still, she has experience and has done better in recent elections. She's a safer bet than Dylan Gomula, who has a background in logistics and culinary arts.  

Register of Deeds: Incumbent Bernard Youngblood has brought innovation to the office, and should be retained. His opponent is Republican activist Parker Burns. 

Endorsements are determined independently by The Detroit News Editorial Board and have no influence on news coverage.